Classification and division
A classification or division takes what you learned about using examples in the example/illustration paragraph and applies those examples more specifically to a thesis. In other words, you should be using examples that demonstrate the form of the composition: either how ideas or objects may be grouped into categories (classifying) or how an idea or object may be separated into parts (dividing)
§ Oxford advanced dictionary:
1. The action or process of classifying.
2. A category into which something is put
§Longman English Dictionary: A process in which you put something into the group or class it belongs to, or the group that it belongs to
§Oxford advanced dictionary: The action or process of dividing or being divided.
§Webster’s dictionary: The act or process of diving anything into parts, or the state of being so divided; separation.
§Longman English Dictionary: A process in which you put something into the group or class it belongs to, or the group that it belongs to.
We can distinguish classification/division in writing into two types:
1) Paragraph: A paragraph should be centered on one idea only. In a paragraph you would write about only one topic, because paragraphs are shorter, and if you change topics, you would start a new paragraph.
2) Essay: In an essay, you could explore many ideas while talking about one general topic. It consists of many paragraphs.
Classification and division paragraphs:
Classification paragraph is one of the seven types of paragraphs. It allows of defining ideas, their use and/or function through comparisons conducted on multiple levels. Consequently, classification paragraphs explore the meaning of things as compared to one another, and as positioned in related contexts. Classification paragraphs will use strong descriptive vocabulary which ought to visualize physical and conceptual differences between the subjects of writing.
Writing a classification paragraph, unlike other types of paragraphs, takes a slightly varied approach. It should rely on both defining and comparing. Writers should classify the subject of the paragraph in a specific context providing comparisons to corresponding ideas.
A division paper requires taking one thing-a man’s suit, for example-and dividing it into its component parts or characteristics: jacket pants and vest(maybe).In division essays, writers break down their subjects into parts for the purpose of understanding the subject. The relationship of these parts to the whole is then explained.
A division paragraph does not just break down a subject into a list of parts. For instance, an engine is made up of nuts, bolts, cylinders, gears, and other miscellaneous parts. But a division paragraph on a car would not focus on the individual pieces of the car but on the sub-systems of the car and how they relate to the whole. Like the classification paragraph, there are three elements to a division paragraph: the system, the principle of analysis, and the sub-systems.
For instance, in examining a car (system) to understand how it works (principle of analysis), a mechanic might divide the car into its separate subsystems: transmission, exhaust, electrical, engine, and so on.
Classification and division are often used together. For example, you might want to divide your neighborhood into sections(north, south, east, west).you might then classify the sections by how much noise and traffic are present in each –noisy, relatively quiet, and quiet. The purpose of classification and division is to categorize a complex whole into simple , useful categories or subdivisions.
Division is sometimes confused with classification, but it works a little differently. For example, if you were classifying restaurants, you might group them into fast food, ethnic, family, and gourmet. Approaching the subject of restaurants with a view to developing your essay through division, you would look at the qualities or the parts of a good restaurant such as food, service and atmosphere.
Elements of Classification paragraph
- Definition – term, idea, or an object presented in a classification paragraph is briefly defined by its own terms – that includes defining its origin, meaning, and function;
- Comparison – classification paragraphs will, usually, define things by comparing and contrasting them, showing crucial functions and diverse use or meaning in analogical contexts;
- Multiple contextualization – classification paragraphs will compare ideas in diverse contexts, so as to estimate specifically the potential of each of the described things in different situations;
- Descriptive vocabulary – adverbs and adjectives should point to the contrast between two or more things (black vs. white, boring vs. interesting, etc.).
Method of Classifying
Once a topic has been selected, you need to come up with a method of how you want to sort or break the topic into smaller categories. If you choose music, you need to decide if you want to sort the topic by the following:
- people who listen to country music
- types of country music
- female singers of country music
- male singers of country music
- country music radio stations
Breaking the Topic into Categories
Once the method has been selected, three distinct categories need to be selected. For example,
Topic: country music
Method: types of country music
Three Categories: blue grass, country rock, and country pop
Writing the classification/division Paragraph
Once the topic, method, and categories have been selected, you need to now write a topic sentence.
Example topic sentence: Today's country music has many types that can range from blue grass to country rock to country pop.
Next, you need to work on the body of the paragraph. For each category, there should be equal amounts of detail sentences in the body of the paragraph. A basic amount would be two sentences to describe each category. Last, you need to write a concluding sentence to wrap up the paragraph.
After the draft is complete, make sure to share your work with a friend or parent to check problems with flow of ideas and writing conventions. Then, write your final copy.
Choose Useful Categories and give examples
The categories you choose for your classification will tell your readers how you are organizing your topic. First, though, you need to find useful categories.
Suppose, for example, that you work in an office and need to sort the stack of papers on your desk. Before making random piles, you decide on some useful categories: papers that can be thrown away; memos you need to take action on; articles you need to read; information that can be passed on to others; paperwork that you’ve seen and that needs to be filed; and so on. Deciding on such categories is the first step in classification.
Your readers need specific examples of things that fit into each category. After you find useful categories, look for examples. You will also need to add facts and details about your examples to make them clear for your readers.
TOPIC: Pieces of paper in my wallet
REASON FOR SORTING (PURPOSE): To get rid of what I don’t need
a. CATEGORY: Things I need to keep in my wallet
EXAMPLES: money, license, phone numbers
FACT OR DETAIL: I always keep at least ten dollars in my wallet.
b. CATEGORY: Things I can throw away
EXAMPLES: ticket stubs, old receipts, old grocery lists
FACT OR DETAIL: Sometimes I find ticket stubs from movies I can’t even remember.
c. CATEGORY: Things I need to keep, but not in my wallet
EXAMPLES: bank receipts, addresses on slips of paper
FACT OR DETAIL: I’ll add the addresses to my address book and throw the slips away.
Read and Analyze Classification
Reading examples of classification and analyzing their structure will help you understand what good classification looks like before you write your own.
1. The topic sentence of a classification paragraph usually includes the topic being classified and how it is being classified—the organizing principle. Sometimes the categories themselves are named. Remember: In classification, the organizing principle is usually (but not always) the main point.
3. Writers of classification paragraphs can use time, space, or importance order. They use transitions to guide the reader from one category to another.
Another the first type the third group
The final the second group the third kind
The first group the second kind the third type
The first kind the second type
Classification/ division essay
A classification essay is considered one of the demanding and challenging essay types. Writing classification essay is of great significance, as it prepares you for compartmentalizing and analyzing matter in numerous domains of life and it may work as a useful tool in further endeavors.
At first, you should find several interesting classification topics to select the best.
Elements of classification essay
There are three elements to a classification essay: the set of things being classified, the scheme (or principle of selection) for classifying the set, and the classes into which the set is divided.
Set: Any set which is to be classified must share a common characteristic or be able to be distinguished from things outside the set. Biology classifies living organisms (non-living materials lie outside the set). Students, pets, vacation spots, or other generic nouns can serve as a set to be classified.
Scheme: A scheme is the quality, standard, type, or function by which the elements of the set are sorted into classes, that is, the principle of selection for creating the groups. Biologists classify living organisms based on life processes and qualities. Geologists sort rocks into igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks, a classification based on how the rocks were formed. In order for a classification scheme to be effective it must be a significant, important, relevant, or valuable way to understand the set of things under consideration.
Classes: In general, when writing about each class, begin with an explanation of the descriptor, the characteristic which identifies the members of one class and differentiates the members of that class from the members of another class. Then include representative examples of the class.
Set: Students
Scheme: Intensity of interest in school
Classes: Absent, Apathetic, Bored, Interested, Avid
Significance, Importance, Relevance, or Value: The amount of interest students
Classification essay structure
1. Introduction
The basic part the introduction is the thesis statement. The strength of the thesis statement depends on how well it reveals the topic and its classification. It is to justify the specific categories chosen for this classification.
2. Body
- First category (The less important category).
- Second category
- Third category (The most important one and requires brighter examples).
3. Conclusion
The conclusion is the summary of the analyzed categories and the restatement of the thesis statement.
Classification requires the writer to categorize or organize various things or views in different groups or categories. The purpose of division as classification is to separate things into categories. you should be sure the categories are logical and appropriate, with as little overlap between categories as possible.
Many kinds of jobs require classification-style writing. For example, an insurance policy manual writer may need to list several types of medical coverage in the employee handbook. Each type probably will be given a name, a definition, and several examples. This type of document can be termed a classification. More likely, it will be said to use classification as a rhetorical mode.
Classifications help to break down and explain the many parts of something that is identified as a whole. Policies, procedures, strategic plans, and other types of business documents often use classification to explain complex issues or broad topics to other people.
You can use one of these topics:
1. Types of desserts
2. Types of homes (apartments, houses, condos, country, city)
3. Types of movies
4. Types of music
5. Types of transportation
6. Types of teachers
7. Personality types
8. Types of families
9.Types of restaurants
10.Types of television programs
11.Types of students
12.Types of friends
Sample Classification Paragraph
Paraphrasing is used for different purposes. Some paraphrases will be designated to support already existing evidence. Others will reinforce argumentation against evidence. Still others will help to develop existing arguments and provide back-up for any conclusion drawn in the course of writing. Depending on the function, paraphrases will be introduced in accordance with their unique context. Quotations require yet another approach. They are not self-expressive because every quotation can signify a number of different things in various contexts. It is both the introduction and the commentary that follows it which decides about its context and the ultimate meaning of a given citation in an essay. Paraphrasing quotations - changing the original words or sense is not allowed.
Sample Division Paragraph
Great Action Flicks
Hollywood continues to produce a constant stream of expensive, big effects action movies, but most of these lack the ingredients of a great film. For a start, any film worth watching needs good actors who can deliver their lines convincingly. The wooden monotones of many muscle bound heroes have sunk many an action film. Secondly, action films today need to have truly spectacular special effects. But these need to be creatively developed, rather than just featuring an endless series of computer-generated explosions and battles. The last and probably most important ingredient is a convincing screenplay. If the audience can't buy into the story, neither Arnold nor the Lucas Film Special Effects Team can save the film. Yet, when a good story is supported by solid acting and dazzling special effects, we can't help but be seduced by the magic of Hollywood.
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By John Cann
-How do I write a classification/ division essay?
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